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approach through

下面围绕“approach through”主题解决网友的困惑

muddle through什么意思

muddle through意思是:1、终于应付过去。2、混过去。发音:英 [ˈmʌdl θru:]。美 [ˈmʌdl θru] 。释义:1、蒙混过关。2、勉强应付过去;胡乱...


I like her approach to the problem.我喜欢她解决这个问题的方法。4.接近的表示,接洽[P1][(+to)]passage passage1 名词 n.1.通行;通过[U]The road is too narrow ...

muddle through什么意思

muddle through的意思是勉强应付过去;胡乱应付过去 。网络释义 1. 终于应付过去2. 混过去 muddle through的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解...

read through it 还是read it through

read through it和read it through都是正确的表达,read through it意思是“阅读它”,read it through的意思是“通...

look through是什么意思

Look-through Provision 穿透条款 look-through approach 透视法 look straight through someone 对某人视而不见 双语例句:Look through all of your photos and ...

muddle through什么意思

muddle through意思是:1、终于应付过去。2、混过去。发音:英 [ˈmʌdl θru:]。美 [ˈmʌdl θru] 。释义:1、蒙混过关。2、勉强应付过去;胡乱...

sensomics approach是什么意思

2 It is an important research direction of bioinformatics to sequence vertebrate genomes and study them through the comparative genomics approach.开展脊...

举例说明go through的用法

go through 还表示如下含义:1) 仔细检查;审查 I always start the day by going through my e-mails.我总是每天一早就仔细查阅我的邮件。2)(指法律、法案等)...


解释:轮查步骤 例句与用法 It includes procedures for conducting inspections and two types of informal peer review, a walkthrough and a passaround, as we...


向某人提出建议 He approached the new job with enthusiasm.他满怀热情地去干新的工作。Few writers can ever approach Shakespeare in greatness.很少有作家比得...

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